Easter Opening Hours

Easter Opening Hours


Easter Opening Hours

Our office will be closed on Friday 19th April and Monday 22nd April due to both dates being a UK Easter Holiday. If you require to make any emergency hotel reservations on either of these dates then please call our emergency out of hours telephone number 0333 700 4777. I confirm that our office will reopen on Tuesday 23rd April at 8.30am.

We would ask you not to email any bookings on the above two dates unless you don’t require a response before the Tuesday, please just use the emergency telephone number which will be fully operational as usual.

Thanking you for your assistance and wishing you an enjoyable Holiday weekend.

Out of Ours Contact Number 0333 700 4777

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"As a client of Key Reservations since they started in 1991, Devro plc have found the service to be extremely efficient. Key are always able to offer the best rates as well as expert advice. Apart from being very reliable, they always manage to get the necessary accommodation for me. Having been approached by other agents in the past, I have found that no one offers the choice or rates similar to Key Reservations. Key take all the hassle out of booking bedrooms and conferences which is a big benefit to someone in my position."